Hello world.

I mean, hello you

Hello world.

I mean hello, You.

It's been a spell, but things got magic for a sec.

So here you go, I'm about to share some exciting news with you. And I hope you're getting excited because it's gonna be exciting. Blahblahblahblah. Blah.

Have you noticed how everything is constantly shouting at our faces? If it's not the breaking news or millions of likes, it's not worth my time. At least that's how I feel. So I decided less social media for me and more time to dream. But even here, writing this newsletter, I feel the pressure of being interesting and be worth your valued time...

So I'll be quick, and I won't try too hard.

I worked on rehosting my online juggling school to a new provider and I don't wish that task to befall any of you. But! the school is healthy.

I currently have 6 students that come regularly and make tremendous progress. At first, I thought I was creating a juggling school to be an entrepreneur, but I now realize that it's all about seeing my students improve. The pleasure and satisfaction of seeing another human being grow and learn in a profound and healthy way to eventually master themselves... is very special to me.

I am very proud of my students :)

Moving on.

I have been performing at Absinthe for 16 months now and it's been a beautiful journey. The gift of being able to perform my solo act so many times. Day after day, the sheer volume of repetition of the same choreography allows me to get into another space in time.

Time literally slows down during my act. I become able to feel the breeze surrounding me (the "energy in the air" if you will), the vibrations and bursts of the strip (the tent is set at the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo).

I get in control of my juggling pattern to the millisecond. I connect to my audience of that night and it is always surprisingly different.

It isn't perfect every time of course.

But that actually doesn't matter because, as we all intuitively know, it is not about perfection. It's about being present in that moment in time. It's about transcending the limitations of our senses. I mean being able to connect with other human beings without any words or concepts. Only body movements and mathematical juggling patterns. Performing in a universal language of physical rhythms and spacial geometry.

Sorry! I'm geeking about juggling.

What a blast.

I hope you're having fun in your life - whatever it means to you - and I cannot wait to hear about it.

May gravity be kind to you,


PS: I started releasing my Podcast "Dancing with Gravity" again and the latest episode is about creativity. Available on all platforms.